Hi there! My name is Tara, and I am
a geeky fan girl! By day I am a I.T. Network Engineer and mother of 3! By
night….I am a Geek Girl! I currently have 3 tattoos that are all comic or video
game related, and I have been big into comics since I was a teenager. Mocked by
many for being a “nerd”. Some of my favorite series are: XMen, Fullmetal
Alchemist, One Piece, Spiderman, Doctor Who, Torchwood, My Little Pony and so
many more to list! I love making my own costumes, accessories and props in the
Cosplay world.
I was a hard-core cosplayer, mostly known for
my Lara Croft costume. Once I started a family, they came first and my costume days
ceased. Now that they are a bit older and are able to attend cons, we are a
cosplay family! Our first big event was Comikaze in LA in 2010. We had all
dressed up as the X-Men, and got to meet Stan Lee because of our costumes. For
a few years while living in WA state, I became a member of the Northwest Mutant
Academy, where we would cosplay for Make-A-Wish, Womens Shelters and other
events in the Seattle area. I currently reside in San Diego, CA and was lucky
enough to attend SDCC in 2013 for a day. Due to it being a last minute event, I
was unable to cosplay, but enjoyed the con itself! Here’s to full force this
year! I look
forward to helping Fan Girl Blog with reviews and How-To’s in cosplay that are
easy, low cost but well-made props!
I can watch almost any movie or show and read almost any type of book, so if I can't get through it, it is really bad. I seem to always pick shows to watch that end up getting cancelled right as I get into them (Example: Ringer - Cancelled after one season). So, if I currently watch any of your favorite shows, I hope they don't get cancelled. I'm excited to contribute to Fangirl Review.
Phillihp Ray prides himself in knowing a lot about things that wouldn´t help the avarage person get a decent job, but which keeps conversations going at events where alcohol is present. Movies, Sci-Fi, Superheroes, Music, and the bizarre world of the unknown are his favorite targets. Hope you enjoy the mini romps through his brain.
Ello everyone, I’m Curtis and I’m a streamer here at Fangirl Review, I’m also, Vikki’s brother. I’m huge fan of games. I like to play almost any genre of game, but I lean to action RPGs, JRPGs, MOBAs, and FPS’s. I’ve been playing games extensively since Super Mario Bros 3 (spent so many hours playing that game that my brother threw it out because it annoyed him!!!). I am currently playing LoL (League of Legends) and various games that I have not finished yet. If you have any game suggestions or want to give some games together, feel free to message me on twitch or comment when I’m playing.
I am Mack Nichols; Comic Book Connoisseur, Super Hero Specialist, Movie/ TV Series Enthusiast, Inspiring Blogger, and overall Geekologist with an affinity for Xbox games and paranormal fiction that addressed Witch/Warlock, Vampire, and Were-Wolf culture. I looking forward to joining the FanGirlReview family as an informed contributor.
If you would like to contribute to Fangirl Review. Please feel free to reach out to the editor, Vikki, at fangirlcontact@gmail.com
Hey there I'm Sam and though I'm not exactly a girl I'm a writer here at Fangirl Review, I'm Vikki's brother, cheers to nepotism. I'm a huge geek and I love anime, manga, and comics. I've loved comics since that first time my mother bought me 4 comics for a dollar at our farmers market to help me with my reading in school, yeah we had the cool mom. I'm currently reading most of the X-men stuff, the Walking Dead, The Avengers, Daredevil, Naruto, One Piece, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, HAjime no Ippo... ok I'm reading a lot, so much that the owner of my local comic book store plans on sending his son to college strictly from my purchases. If you have any comic suggestions or want to give some helpful feedback feel free to comment on the posts.
Hi everyone my name is Jasmine and I am an adorably geeky in awesome ways. I love Music, Anime, just about anything the BBC Airs, Cartoons, Traveling and Photography. Some of my favorites in the Anime category are Beck, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Black Lagoon (there are more believe me). I am also enjoying Adventure Time, Regular Show and Archer on American TV. I love Halloween and making costumes in the past I have been a necromancer (Pirates of the Caribbean Style), I have done Dias de los Muertos, Steam Punk and Ophelia (from Hamlet post drowning!).
But the real reason I am here is Sherlock. I love everything about this show. I have not waxed poetic about a show like this since the X-Files (seasons 1-7 seasons 8-9 not so much). I look forward to sharing Episode reviews and the fun things Sherlock Fan Base are creating with all of you!!!
Born and raised in Texas, now resides in Florida. Former military. College grad. Socially awkward, sounds intelligent through text.
Hi! I'm Veronica. I love reading and writing. I mostly write fiction and poetry. I am addicted to Netflix, Hulu, Crackle, Amazon Prime Instant Video, or any other way to watch TV shows and movies on the go. When I'm not watching shows like Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, Revolution, Resurrection, or binge watching full TV series seasons, I am either watching a documentary, a B-flick, or any random show on Investigation Discovery.
Born and raised in Texas, now resides in Florida. Former military. College grad. Socially awkward, sounds intelligent through text.
I can watch almost any movie or show and read almost any type of book, so if I can't get through it, it is really bad. I seem to always pick shows to watch that end up getting cancelled right as I get into them (Example: Ringer - Cancelled after one season). So, if I currently watch any of your favorite shows, I hope they don't get cancelled. I'm excited to contribute to Fangirl Review.
Phillihp Ray
My Name is Steve Jones from Canada, i turn to a vampire any time i want to, I become a real vampire because of how people treat me, This world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. At the snack of my finger things are made happened. Am now a powerful vampire and no one step on me without an apology goes free. I turn to human being also at any time i want to. And am one of the most dreaded and respected person in my country. i am now also very famous and rich with the help of the VAMPIRES EMPIRE. i get what ever a want. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire Kingdom by given me their email: jamessuccessfultemple45@gmail.com, if you want to become a powerful and a real vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their email: jamessuccessfultemple45@gmail.com for help. it is real. Contact them today. jamessuccessfultemple45@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteAm Spencer Sunshine,from Miami Florida United States.Am here to to testify on how i was initiated into Vampire's cult. At first i had the interest of becoming one because i wanted to live longer and achieve greatness and fame of my own and i was scared of how i can achieve this goal.Along the course,i found this email address (jamessuccessfultemple45@gmail.com) online seeking for those who are interested and i contacted the email address thinking just giving a try to my greatest surprise they made me become one and give me all that i have actually wanted,though some sacrifice and some other things were done for very easily and they gave me vampire dayring that can make me walk any time of the day.Truly this is the revolutionized vampire's cult and am very happy about it.It is happening,for real.In case you too need to be one,i would advice you contact this email address (jamessuccessfultemple45@gmail.com) and get what you want.