Thursday, July 18, 2013

Gamer Corner: Sam's Thoughts

Hello Everyone, 

So I am starting a new section of my blog where I will interview gamers and get thier thoughts. This will be a great way for you to meet other gamers and get others thoughts on the gaming industry. First up is Sam the gamer. 

Tell me a little bit about yourself? 
I’m Sam. I’m a computer science major. I have been big into video games for about 25 years now, since the first NES with the robot and Super Mario. I have been playing ever since. I am a huge fan of RPGs, action games, and I am really big into stories.

What current system do you have? 

What is currently in your system right now? 
Borderlands 2

Do you enjoy that game?
Yeah, it’s pretty fun. I like the comedy in it and the action is pretty cool, and different missions, it’s a lot of variety.

Would you recommend it?
I would recommend it, it is highly entertaining. I have already recommended it to friends.

Are there any games that you are looking forward to?
I am really looking forward to Batman Arkham Origins. Also looking forward to new Metal Gear Solid game and I have downloaded Assassin’s Creed 2. I look forward to playing that in the near future. I think this fall is going to be pretty big.

What kind of gamer do you classify yourself to be?
I’m not really a hardcore gamer. I play in spurts. I would consider myself an RPG gamer. Really anything but puzzle games, I am not a big fan of puzzle games.

So with the new consoles coming out, which way are you leaning One or 4? 
I’m learning towards the one I like the Kinect better. There haven’t been any games that have wowed me but right now I am leaning towards the one.

If you are up to gaming you can join Sam on his 360 at Erosennin425.

Well thank you Sam for your comments I am sure we will check back with you. 

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