Show stars with Katherine in Bulgaria 1940 giving birth. She never gets to see her daughter
because her father took the child away. Present day she is being shocked back
to life in the hospital. Damon is drunk at the bar and is found
by Jeremy and Matt. Elena is sad and laying in her bed when Caroline and Bonnie
wake her up. The Scooby Gang come together to play a game of shots about all the bad
things Katherine has done to them.
Stefan is sitting talking to Katherine. She is streaked with
grey. Nadia shows up and knocks out Matt. Damon lets everyone know that Stefan slept
with Katherine. He also let is slip Nadia is Katherine's daughter which I guess
only a handful of them knew. Nadia kidnapped Matt to enlist the help of the
Scooby gang to help Katherine live longer. Elena and Stefan agree to help Nadia
find a traveler to teach Katherine how to become a passenger in Nadia's body.
Flashback to Bulgaria
1492 – Katherine finds her family all killed. Then Damon shows up in the
flashback and taunts her for causing the death of her family. Present day – Sheriff
Forbes shows up and stops Damon from killing Katherine. Caroline finds Klaus
while out in the woods looking for Matt. The travelers agree to help but the
price is for the doppelgangers is Elena and Stefan. Klaus came to watch
Katherine die.
Caroline finds out that Jeremy and Bonnie are hooking up. Flashback
to when Katherine first arrived to Mystic
Falls . She sees Stefan for the
first time and decided to stay with the Salvatores. The travelers take a bucket of blood from Elena and Stefan and free them. Klaus
shows up again and tells Caroline that Matt has been freed by Rebekah. Klaus
still is seeking some type of chance with Caroline. Katherine is hallucinating
and seeing Gemma and John. Elijah shows up and tells Damon to stop those images
but in reality it was Damon. Nadia shows up and breaks Damon’s neck and begins
teaching Katherine how to travel.
Stefan tells Elena to not give up on Damon. Katherine refuses to
be a passenger in Nadia’s body. She wants her daughter to live her life. Klaus
asks for a confession from Caroline about how she truly feels about him and if
she does it he will walk away from her forever. She kisses him and they hook
up. Katherine is back into the memory of her parents’ death this time with
Stefan. He lets her know that the death of her family is not her fault. Damon and Stefan are talking. Stefan urges Damon to make things right with Elena. Tyler shows up to the group. Everyone is together. Alaric and Vikki make a showing. Bonnie and Jeremy are the only ones that can see them. Bonnie sees Katherine but then she gets back into her body. Elena is there with Katherine and tells her that she forgives her. Katherine last minute jumps into Elena's body.
My Thoughts:
Sad how much destruction one person was able to do to a
whole group of people. I do love the compassion Stefan has for Katherine and it
makes me wish she will live longer. There goes poor human Matt being used and
abused by the supernaturals around him.
It is actually sad to see Katherine withering away. I am still
routing for her to live. She was such a formidable enemy and I wish she would
live on to cause havoc. Seeing Alaric made me sad. He truly was the better half to Damon and I really want him back.
It was predictable that Katherine was going to jump into Elena's body. As soon as I saw Elena sitting there with Katherine I knew what was going to happen. Oh well. Until next week.
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