Hey Everyone,
In the latest issue of Game TM, Mashiro Sakurai took time to explain why you will unlikely see any fighting character appear in Super Smash Bros game for Wii U and 3DS.
"The biggest feature we look at in Smas Bros. is, 'What does the character bring to Smash Bros. that other characters don't?' If you look at..some from a fighting game already, and people like fighting with this character, from my point of view, it's like 'this guy does what this guy already does. He fills the role that this character already has. So while you may like this character and he's interesting, that doesn't really merge well here." - Sakurai
He is basically saying that these characters already fight in another game world so it just does not fit into the Smash Bros. world. Mega Man is the newest third party character to be introduced and he is a "special case" according to Sakurai.
"The biggest feature we look at in Smas Bros. is, 'What does the character bring to Smash Bros. that other characters don't?' If you look at..some ... ismashbros.blogspot.com