Welcome to this week's installment of Gamer Corner, where Fangirl Reviews interviews a gamer and gets his thoughts on the gaming world and learn what he is enjoying at the moment.
1. Tell me a little bit about yourself?
The name’s Michael Vincent. I am currently working as an Internet marketing specialist for startups in SouthEast Asia. I am from Manila and am a Nintendo fanboy.
2. What rig do you currently game on?
I am a handheld gamer. I am not usually at home most of the time due to work and other stuff. That’s why the only thing I do at home is sleep and socialize with my family. Being a handheld gamer, my gaming times are exclusively on the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo 3DS, with some iOS games on the side.
3. What game are you currently playing right now?
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. This is one of my gaming backlogs that I NEED to finish before October 12, when Pokemon X and Y get released.
4. Do you enjoy that game, why? How’s the overall game play?
Zelda games are always interesting games, and I always enjoy the heck out of them. With Spirit Tracks, the touch-screen based gameplay has been improved from the previous game in the series that was released before it - Phantom Hourglass. Also, saving the princess time and time again always makes me feel like a real hero. Lol.
5. Would you recommend it?
Of course, I don’t think anyone who gets introduced to a Zelda game will say that it is a bad game. And also, each Zelda game can be a perfect way to be introduced to the series since the games, though somehow connected, are still separate with each other in terms of plot and some story elements.
6. Are there any games coming out that you are looking forward to?
Lots of Nintendo 3DS games are coming out. Pokemon X and Y is coming on the 12th. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Dual Destinies is coming on the 25th. The Ace Attorney series is my favorite and I will never forgive myself if I won’t be able to play it this year since I have been waiting for it for a long long time.
Other games that I am looking forward to include Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, Batman: Arkham City Blackgate and Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 3DS.
7. What kind of gamer do you classify yourself to be? ie. PC, Console, Tabletop, LARP as well as Hardcore, RPG, etc.
I am a handheld gamer. As I have said earlier, I almost don’t have time to play at home, so my gaming are exclusively done on the go - on train or bus rides. I don’t want to bother anyone at night to play on the TV while everyone is sleeping. I also enjoy Japanese RPGs. Final Fantasy VI is my favorite JRPG.
8. So with the new consoles coming out, which way are you leaning One or 4? (Ignore if you are a PC gamer)
I think I admire the awesomeness of the PlayStation 4, though I am not going to get that or the Xbox One. Instead, I am looking forward into owning a Wii U sometime in the future. I can buy it now but I won’t be able to play it because I’m usually on the road. Perhaps I should wait longer, when the prices are down. :)
9. What are your thoughts on the gaming industry?
Times are definitely exciting. There is a steady decline in video game sales, but gamers can prove to everyone that the industry is not dying by buying the latest consoles, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. It is also an exciting time to be a gamer, with all the developments that are coming i.e the Oculus Rift, Kickstarter-funded games, it’s a good time in the industry right now.
10. If you had the power, what direction would you have the gaming industry go?
Well, I do hope that dedicated handheld gaming will not die. I hope Nintendo will still deliver the games that it can develop now. Who knows, soon the Big N might see the idea of developing cellular-capable devices. Haha.
11. 10 years from now, where do you see the industry? Are you happy with that direction?
In the future, I think there is still a market for home console games, in the way that there is still a market for films even after the television was invented. What I do worry about is that dedicated handheld consoles will cease to exist. iPhone games are becoming more and more complex, some can even rival the graphics and gameplay of some of our console games. I have nothing against iOS and Android devices used for gaming, I just hope that the market for dedicated handhelds will not die.
12. Favorite Game (can include tabletop) of all time and why?
My favorite game will always be Final Fantasy VI. Never in my life I was so immersed with a game as I was with this one. Everything in this game is perfect - from the story to the characters to the gameplay. I do wish Square Enix will revive the game in HD.
13. Additional Thoughts and Comments?
Well, I do own a Pokemon and Nintendo 3DS website called N-Handhelds that you guys can check out. :) I write all my thoughts on gaming in there, though I don’t write a lot these days. You can also add me on Google+ and Twitter. Thanks a lot for this great interview Victoria! :)
Thank you to Micheal for a fantastic interview. If you would like to be interviewed for Gamer Corner please contact me at fangirlcontact@gmail.com.
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