This week's Random Movie Monday is Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. The movie was released in 2008 and was directed/written by Joss Whedon. It is listed as a tv miniseries but I am going to review it for my Movie Monday.
IMDB Story line: Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris), an aspiring super villain with his own video blog, is attempting to join the prestigious Evil League of Evil (led by the legendary "thoroughbred of sin", Bad Horse), but his plans are usually foiled by the egotistical superhero Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion). Horrible's life is thrown for a loop when he falls in love with Penny (Felicia Day), a beautiful and optimistic advocate for the homeless he meets at the laundromat, a situation which complicates itself even further when Penny begins dating the boorish, oafish Hammer after he apparently saves her life. Faced with the task of impressing the League, can Horrible overcome his own incompetence to ruin the day, kill the hero, and still get the girl?
My Thoughts: This movie has been saved in the queue for quite some time and I noticed this will only be available until March 20th, 2014 on Netflix. I must say that this is now a favorite and has a potential to be a cult classic in my opinion.
The singing provides the right amount of campy and sucks you in and begs you to start singing along as well. You find yourself routing for the villain and hoping that he destroys the super hero and wins the girl. The best moments are when Dr. Horrible is stalking Penny while she is out dating Captain Hammer. He has great creep moments of being in the background while singing.
Neil Patrick Harris plays this role perfectly and you remember why he is so awesome and deserves his on hashtag (#nph). I enjoyed seeing Nathan as the annoying super hero and Felicia Day as the damsel in distress. Great musical, check it out and share your thoughts in the comments.
Post by Vikki
Twitter: ProfessorWhite
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