Recently I haven’t been satisfied with phones, I feel
like phones have been trying to sell a gimmick and not the phone. So I dug deep
in my pockets and bought 3 types of Android phones the Samsung Galaxy, S5, HTC
One (M8), and the Nexus 5. The reason why I named this article “3 Types of
Android” is because of TouchWiz, HTC Sense, and Stock Android. Since I’m not
much of a reviewer, I’m going to explain why I’m not satisfied with the three
starting with Samsung Galaxy S5. The S5 is beautiful with bright vivid colors,
great camera, great OS and before I start let me say that Samsung gets so much
heat for the plastic build but I really enjoy it. To be able to remove the
back, and replace your battery (which rare for phones these days) is really
worth the build.
Samsung loves gimmicks and they only amuse you for 5 minutes
before they are a waste of space, and you can’t remove nor disable from your
phone. Coming up with something innovative is hard and I’m not taking anything
away from them, BUT you have to realize most people are buying the cheaper 16GB
phone so after the OS install, carriers bloatware, then Samsung’s bloatware
you’re down to about 7 or 8 gigs give or take. So with that I say less
gimmicks, and more confidence in your phone. After the Samsung Galaxy S4 I got
tired of companies's OS masking over the main OS so I got a Nexus 5. Getting
updates as soon as they release and having stock android sounds good on paper
but my time with the Nexus 5 went from Awesome, to “Are you serious?” to “I’m
getting a new phone”. Getting the Nexus 5 on release day way great, the camera
sucked, and it was very customizable, but great none the less. The phone got
updated to Android 4.4.2, and then NFC stopped working, it would freeze at
times, and now they’re rushing out 4.4.3 and then I thought to myself, “Nexus
owners don’t have the upper hand because we get updates first, we’re guinea
pigs”. We test the updates complain about them, they fix it, and then Google
releases it to everyone else.
Another thing that upset me was Google integrated
pictures you post from Google+ with pictures you take with your camera. So now
a picture of you and your friends hanging out, then you scroll to the right a
“Geeks be like” picture comes up, and finally Hangouts; my only gripe with Hangouts
is when someone sends you multiple pictures you do not view them all at once
nor can you save them. I have to constantly tell people to send me pictures one
by one to the point where people stop sending me pics. Finally we get to the
HTC One (M8) and it is a sexy piece of hardware, it’s smooth and fast. The
thing I noticed as soon as I took it out of the box was the 3.5mm jack is at
the bottom. Really!? It might not bother some people, but I feel like phone is
upside down. Maybe I got use to the jack being at the top I don’t know, but I
didn’t like it.
With the Galaxy S5 going up to a 16 MP camera you would have
thought HTC would step their game up from the HTC One (M7)…NOPE. It’s still a 4
MP UltraPixel and it takes good pictures, but compared to other phones like
Nokia’s Lumia 1020 that boasts a 41 MP camera, Samsung’s S5 has 16 MP, hell even a
year old Samsung S4 has 13 MP camera.
The back, home page, and recent apps bezel takes up a lot of the screen when
using apps, and internet. After rereading this it sounds like I’m complaining,
and hating on Android which is not the case they’re all great phones with the
HTC One (M8) taking the win out of the three, and you’re in for a real treat if
you get the Google Edition. I feel like after years of all of these phones
carrying Android you would think they would have perfected
the craft, but sometimes I feel like they’re not even communicating with Google
which is weird if you ask me. No phone is prefect I get that, but there’s a
difference between phone and OS.
Post by Rich
Twitter: HailKingRich
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