Ever since Duck Hunt, and Time Crisis motion controlled
gaming was innovative because at the time no one was doing this so it was fun
and very profitable because we shelled out millions of quarters to keep
playing. Before I dig deep into this article let me ask you a question. Have
you ever gone outside to take the dog out, or get the mail, and you just happen
to look through someone’s blinds, and they were jumping around like an ape? Oh
this didn’t just start, remember Track and Field for Nintendo? This wasn’t
necessarily a bad idea I mean look what it did for the Wii it sold a lot, but
it was also all hype. When you first got the Wii you were moving around side to
side playing tennis, swinging your arm to play golf, and breaking a sweat at
boxing, but after you realize all you had to do was press A, and flick your
wrist a little the excitement was over. Which got me thinking, why PlayStation
released the PlayStation Move after seeing that the Wii was a gimmick? Now we
have the Kinect, at the beginning the idea sounded good on paper, but when you
realized you have to move furniture, be so many feet away for the camera to see
you, and you have to have the perfect lighting it became tiring.
Moving in front of a
camera isn’t all its cracked up to be which once again had me asking why
PlayStation released their camera? Now you might not agree with me on this
topic, call me old fashion I just don’t see the excitement in moving around in
front of a camera, or even talking to a camera and telling it to start
something, and turning off the system when I have a controller in my hands that
does just that. It just feels even lazier, when we’re
already doing something that’s technically lazy. Sound off guys, what are your
thoughts on motion control gaming? Also, I would like to hear your thoughts on
PlayStation’s new VR glasses codename “Morpheus”.
Post by Rich
Twitter: HailKingRich
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