This week for Vikki's musing I will share my experience at this year's New York Comic Con.
This year the system has changed in regards to tickets. The tickets did keep the Walking Dead theme as they have for the past few years. Each ticket had a chip and you had to check in and out of the Javits Center. I actually had a chance to talk to a local Comic Book store owner that stated there was continuous drama of being a local retailer for the tickets and that they limited who could sell what. At the center they made us walk 4 extra blocks and do an insane line around the building to come to the front in order to then check in. It was choppy and unorganized and upset a lot of fans.
I had a chance to attend The Walking Dead 10th Anniversary Panel. It was nice to hear Kirkman share his thoughts on the ten years of comics. He was nice to many of the Q&A people and even signed a few autographs. He also mentioned the TWD spinoff show and it will not include any already established characters. He also mentioned that a documentary will be available online next week for TWD comic. They circled through a few covers of the upcoming singles. I believe cover 118 has everyone looking sad, which is concerning usually means someone is dead.
Kirkman expressed that he enjoys making the evil characters like the Governor and Neegan. He admits that he may have issues because he enjoys writing them so much. They are re-releasing the first single in color so be prepared for the gore. I enjoyed the wit of Kirkman and especially when he proclaimed that his Nerd Cred was complete. It was interesting to see so many people walk out because of the spoilers. I am of the mindset, do not come to a panel if you are not up to date in your reading.
Graphic Tees
I was able to buy over 8 different types of graphic tees and speak with all different types of companies about their lines. I will be presenting them in the future after interviews so stay tuned. In the mean time check out a couple websites, if you would like some awesome tees.
Cosplay Time:
Fun Ghost Rider - very creative with making the fire.
This creepy thing, if you know what it is let me know.
Those silly Lanterns
I enjoy people's commitment to their outfits.
Female Loki!
The Couples that Punish together stay together.
My fun time:
I had a chance to work with Phoenix Wright to defend my client. Objection!!!
My Brother and I also had a Monster Hunter 3 Moment.
The Letdowns:
The demos and video games overall was a huge let down. We are six weeks away from a new console being released and PS4 was not there to showcase itself. To make matters worse, Xbox was not there to showcase their new console either. I wondered why there were no long lines at the demo booths like usual because despite some good games, I believe most fans wanted a hands on demo of the consoles. There was a demo for Watch Dogs and I think a South Park game that everyone was excited for. I was just overall underwhelmed by the games. I will keep my ear to the ground for any extra info coming out of NYCC.
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