Cyborg 009 was originally a manga by Shotaro Ishinomori that originally ran from 1964 to 1981. Since then the story of Joe Shimamura and the rest of the Cyborgs has been redone and moved to various other forms of media. My initial experience with Cyborg 009 came when I watched the anime on Toonami back in 2002 and I’ve been a fan ever since.
Archaia has decided to do take this classic story and update with a modern feel. The team of FJ DeSanto, Bradley Cramp, Marcus To, and Ian Herring do an amazing job bringing this old story to the present day. In this story we get the origin of the 9 Cyborgs as it begins with Joe Shimamura, Cyborg 009, waking up and coming to the realization that he is a cyborg during a performance test. After this test he meets the people behind his transformation, the evil organization Black Ghost. They then ask him to destroy the previous 8 prototypes, Cyborgs 001 – 008. But instead of destroying them all nine of the cyborgs make a break for it and escape the facility. The rest of the book deals with Joe’s longing for his old life and introduces him to the rest of the cyborgs as they decide to stop Black Ghost from creating more of them and starting World War III.
FJ DeSanto and Bradley Cramp do an amazing job writing these characters and there is a definite palpable feel of longing to return to the lives they knew from each of the Cyborgs. This is only topped by the sadness that each of them realize that they can never go back and they are resigned to this life forced upon them. The artwork of Marcus To and Ian Herring is nothing short of amazing. The updated body types for the characters and the lush colors and background made me feel as though I was reading a BluRay graphic novel. So far this is the only volume but there is hope that there will be further volumes in the future. If these future volumes are as good as this one was I will be waiting for them anxiously.
A Little Extra
Hey there readers of this blog! Can I ask you guys a question? Is anyone reading the One Piece manga? Are you guys current? How awesome were this weeks last 5 pages? I did a dance when I read them, then I read them again, then I commenced my dance again. This picture should explain how crazy things are about to get.
I can’t wait for next week now.
Also if you guys would like to suggest something you want to see me review please leave it in the comments and I’ll try to get to it.
Post By Sam
Twitter: BigSam425
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