Monday, August 25, 2014

Marvel vs DC Movie lineup

Hey Everyone,

I am sure we are all excited for all the many super hero movies that are slated to be released. I wanted to pull together a list of all those movies. For arguments sake I will mention the movies not owned by Marvel but containing Marvel characters as part of the Marvel world. 

Avengers: Age of Ulton - 05/01/2015
Fantastic Four - 06/19/2015
Ant-Man 07/17/2015

Captain America 3 - 03/06/2016
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice - 03/25/2016
X-Men: Apocalypse - 05/27/2016
Untitled Marvel Film - 07/08/2016
Untitled DC Film 08/05/2016
Amazing Spiderman: The Sinister Six - 11/11/2016

The Wolverine 2 - 03/03/2017
Untitled Marvel film - 05/05/2017
Untitled DC Film - 06/23/2017
Fantastic Four 2 - 07/14/2017
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 07/28/2017
Untitled Marvel Film - 11/03/2017
Untitled DC Film - 11/17/2017
Untitled Sony Spin-off of Spiderman with female lead - TBA
Venom/Carnage - TBA

Untitled DC Film - 03/23/2018
Untitled Marvel Film - 05/04/2018
Untitled Marvel Film - 07/06/2018
Untitled Fox Film - 07/13/2018
Untitled DC Film - 07/27/2018
Untitled Marvel Film - 11/02/2018
Amazing Spiderman 3 - TBA

Untitled DC Film - 04/05/2019
Untitled Marvel Film - 05/03/2019
Untitled DC Film - 06/14/2019

Untitled DC Film - 04/03/2020

As you can see from the list Marvel is coming out the gate swinging. Marvel has 20 releases to DC's nine. I look forward to what is to come. Keep in mind this list is not set in stone by an means. Things can change and be cancelled as well as added. What movie are you looking forward to and why?

Post by Vikki
Twitter: ProfessorWhite


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